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Ruga Explorer, Photo Book

A stroll in its protected area and climbing towards its 'pond'



Usually Ruga does not like to move much from what she considers "her pond", the mirror of water around which she lives. Observing it, I realized that what it needs is a small area emerged where to place for sunbathing, vital to its very existence. So much so that when the sun goes away, it returns to the water and from there it does not come out until the following morning.

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But when I have to replace the water in the container, I am necessarily forced to take it and put it on the ground. At the end of the cleaning and filling operations of the tank, I place a specially created cork ramp, to allow it to return independently to its habitat.

Lampada UV Tartarughe Vitamina D3

She realized, in fact, that that vessel full of water is his aquatic environment and that if he wants to access it he must climb up the easy ramp. Before arriving in the water, it passes through the same area where the morning sun rises, then accesses the water through the small internal ramp.

The basic idea was this: "If I am forced to take the tub to empty it, I have created the conditions for autonomy for the return".


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