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Photo with yellow-eared turtle

Photo of the yellow-eared turtle in its habitat of daily life, while patrolling the new aquatic area.



The yellow-eared turtle, or the Trachemys scripta scripta. One of the most widespread aquatic turtles, among the tartar lovers of the freshwater turtles native to North America.

It might interest you: Ruga at home at the end of hibernation.

Initially he does not let himself be immortalized, he runs shy, feeling a little threatened. Then curiosity has the upper hand on the shyness and the amphibious tortoise approaches with caution, until being photographed in every position.

Lampada UV Tartarughe Vitamina D3

The yellow-eared photo turtle

In these photos the yellow-eared turtle in question is Ruga, to whom this site is dedicated. The photographs depict the aquatic turtle in its new habitat of life. A 120 liter capacity aquaterrarium. These photos immortalize the first entry into the pool and the phases of patrolling and knowledge of the aquatic environment, doubled compared to the previous one. In one of the photos, Ruga "gets to know the new internal DIY filter": will he be able to bite this too?


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