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Autumn poses of a turtle

In semi lethargy for some time, he gives himself to the photographic eye for some evening shots, before going to sleep.



Ruga has long been dormant. As early as mid-October, he does not eat more regularly. I took to leave a dried fish on the ramp to access the basking area, so when he decides to eat he can do it independently. Let's say that you eat at the average of once a week, when there are more consecutive days of sunshine.

It might interest you: Ruga Explorer, Photo Book.

Its habitat has been ready for a couple of weeks in the winter version. The do-it-yourself tortoise is ready to provide all the support to face the coldest months, in which it will really hibernate.

Lampada UV Tartarughe Vitamina D3

Turtle poses

Today, the camera was granted the end of the cleaning of the sand bed, prepared at the beginning of September. I used the aquarium bottom vacuum just bought. This is the Tetra GC 30. A good tool, well done. Useful accessories to stop the pipe in the two phases of cleaning and emptying.

In the images it really seems to have come to a pose. With the hind legs extended, the chin resting in a resting position...

Nothing seems to bother you, not even my constant balancing and changes of position to find the right angle.

The sun has dropped, the sky darkens quickly. Ruga looks for the most suitable position to begin his long sleep — it is only half past five in the evening.

Probably it will place its yellow plastron with small circular blackish patches, above the immersion filter. Covered above her from the ramp leading to the basking area. A few inches from a breath of air.


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