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Photo blanket carapace of freshwater turtles

Photographs of the pack of freshwater turtles. In particular the scutes of the aquatic turtle carapace.



In these photos I show you the pack of freshwater turtles, or to be more precise, the moult of the turtle carapace. They are the scutches of the Ruga carapace, my trachemys scripta scripta. Usually when I realize that they are all ready to detach themselves, 'ease the task to nature' by delicately detaching them. But only those who come away, otherwise I let them ripen a little longer. Of course, the plating has changed too, but I'm afraid that it would not have looked good in the pictures: it's transparent.

It might interest you: Photo with yellow-eared turtle.

Why do I take them off? To avoid paving the bottom of scuti, then I should pick them up one by one. A nice treasure hunt, because the bottom of the turtle is in sand.

Lampada UV Tartarughe Vitamina D3

How long does the carapace of the water turtles last?

I do not know for sure how long the water turtles last, I rely on my direct experience with my Ruga to answer the question. In 2015, the first summer that Ruga has been with me, it has changed more than once. This is probably due to the fact that it came from an inadequate supply period. From the following years the moult of the freshwater turtle carapace has occurred only once a year.


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